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Medical Tourism
Medical tourism could save you a bundle.
17 Top Medical Tourism Destinations 18 of 18 | Speed
Crossroads Centre - West Indies
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Crossroads Centre - West Indies
Antigua, West Indies
Specialty: Drug and alcohol addiction recovery

Musician and recovering addict Eric Clapton has had a home on the island of Antigua for many years, so when he learned of worsening addiction problems among islanders he opened a recovery center there. Crossroads, the 32-bed center he founded, offers a 29-day, 12-step program focusing on a “whole person” approach. It is now recognized as a Treatment Center of Excellence. It provides people from across the world with a tranquil retreat for finding mental, physical, and spiritual balance in their lives, and includes medical detox programs and complementary therapies.

Crossroads also provides alumni services and hosts renewal retreats for people with at least 60 days of being drug-free and/or sober...View full story
18 of 18
The Barbados Fertility Center - West Indies < Previous Next > 17 Top Medical Tourism Destinations | Speed


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—Posted by Larry
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Health tip of the day:
If you have trouble getting cool in summer or if you sweat a lot during exercise, try using sandalwood oil as a splash on cologne. Sandalwood oil has cooling properties and is used in many Asian countries to cool the body when no air conditioning is available. It smells great and works as a natural coolant on the skin. It’s also great for acne, eczema and other skin problems that can be caused by sensitivity to heat. Regrettably, due to over cultivation in India, it's very difficult to find good quality sandalwood oil, unless you happen to visit the Mysore Provence in India or Dubai- where they sell all sorts of essential oils and fragrances.. Still, even diluted versions that can be found in the USA work pretty well to keep you cool in summer months. Try shops that sell incense or Indian goods, and if possible purchase the Mysore brand which regulated by the Indian Government and is the most pure oil available in most cases.

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