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User Ratings for Hay Fever treatments
Out of 10
5  Effectiveness
1.9  Side Effects
4.5  Holistic Benefits

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Famous People with Swine Flu

Brian Litrell

Backstreet Boy Litrell came down with swine flu in 2009, and the rest of the band was prescribed Tamiflu.


Marilyn Manson

Controversial musician wrote about getting swine flu in his blog.


Rachel Maddow

The first openly gay anchor hired by a prime-time news network tells Jimmy Fallon about her bout with swine flu.


Dennis Hopper

Apocalypse Now actor was hospitalized for swine flu-like symptoms.


Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN medical correspondent got swine flu while in Afghanistan.


LeBron James

NBA basketball star thinks he caught the swine flu virus from a vaccination.


Teri Hatcher

Star of Desperate Housewives may have come down with swine flu recently, but other reports say she had laryngitis.


Elton John

Elton John has had several health conditions over the years, including drug addictions, eating disorders, and recently swine flu.

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