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Bronchitis treatment

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the air passages through the lungs. It may appear as an acute or a chronic condition depending on the cause and symptoms. Acute bronchitis starts off with a cough, with or with out mucus.
90% of the time bronchitis is caused by viral infection. The most common virus specific to bronchitis are influenza A and influenza B. It can also be caused by bacteria, smoking, or inhaling chemical pollutants and dust.
Taking in vitamins A, C, and E, refraining from smoking and second hand smoke, avoiding pollution by staying in doors during smog alerts, and refraining from using sprays for cleaning and insect repellents can help prevent the illness.
Common Symptoms
Most common symptoms of bronchitis are coughing, wheezing, fever, soreness in the chest, and shortness of breath.
Rare Symptoms
High fever.
Traditional Treatment
Acute bronchitis can be treated with cough medicine, bed rest, lots of fluid intake, and staying indoors in damp, cold weather. Also restraining from smoking will help the patient get better as well.
Alternative Treatment
If the infection is caused by a bacteria, the patients doctors can prescribe antibiotics to help with treatment. Taking vitamin A and C will promote faster healing of irritated mucus membranes and also boost your immune system. Zinc supplements also help.
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Famous People with Insomnia & Sleeping Disorder

Michael Jackson

An autopsy revealed that Michael Jackson died of a lethal overdose of the anesthetic propofol, or Diprivan, which he used to relieve his chronic insomnia.


Heath Ledger

Actor Heath Ledger suffered from insomnia and sometimes slept less than two hours a night.


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is one of 20th century pop culture's most important figures. He suffered from drug addiction and insomnia.


Drew Barrymore

Actress, film producer, and director Drew Barrymore had a troubled childhood. She now suffers from severe insomnia and anxiety attacks.


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was one of the bombshells of the 20th century. Unfortunately, she suffered from several health problems, including insomnia, endometriosis, and drug addiction.



The highest grossing rapper in the world has a history of insomnia and drug dependence. He checked himself into rehabilitation to help deal with his condition.

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