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Mental Health treatment

Mental health is a broad topic. There are many subtopics involved in this category that include: anxiety disorders, Attention deficit disorders, autism, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, and schizophrenia to name some popular ones.
Genes and family history may factor into a person's succeptibility to mental health problems. Also, traumatic events such as abuse, a brain injury, or use of illegal drugs can cause the onset of mental illnesses.
The only way to help prevent mental illnesses is to live a health life style. Eat well, exercise reguallarly, and promote overall health by not using illegal drugs. However, some are subjected to matters they cannot control and develop a metnal illness.
Rare Symptoms
There are no real "rare" symptoms, howevere if left untreated, the person may commit suicide due to not knowing how to cope.
Traditional Treatment
Treatments include extensive counseling and proper medications. Trying multiple medications for a period of time to see which reacts better with the indivual is usually how successful treatment is reached.
Alternative Treatment
Yoga for overall body health, pastor consueling, animal assisted therapies, expressive therapies such as art/dance/music, accupuncture, ayurveda- incorporates diet, medication, herbal, and a variety of other things as treatment, technology-based therapies, massage therapy.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
7.67 7.67 1.36 6 Get Info
7 5.7 1.42 6 Get Info
5 4.1 5.17 3 Get Info
4 3.25 1.58 5 Get Info
4 5.33 6.42 3 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Mental Health Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
70 Drugs
46 Supplements
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