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Hay Fever treatment

Hay Fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, occurs when the body has an allergic response in the nasal passageway to an allergen. This could be indoor and/or outdoor, and can be seasonal or yearround.
Hay Fever comes from an airborn substance which your body identifies as harmful, therefore causing the allergic response. Seasonal allergen causes usually include pollens (tree, weeds, grass, flower etc), and molds.
Although there is no proven way- just limit exposure to allergen such as by taking allergy medcations prior to allergies starting. Be aware of triggers and avoid them. Close doors and windows during pollen season and wear a dust mask outside. For indoor all allergies keep dust and dander to a minimum. This can be done by limiting surfaces, installing hardwood flooring instead of carpet, have adequ View more...
Common Symptoms
Sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, cough, itchy nose, mouth and/or throat, sinus pressure, facial pain, decreased taste, decreased sense of smell, allergic shiners (blue, swollen skin underneath eyes)
Traditional Treatment
Nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, decongestants, cromolyn sodium, leukotriene modifiers, oral corticosteroids, nasal ipatropium, mast cell inhibitors.
Alternative Treatment
Rinsing sinuses (nasal irrigation). Common herbal therapies include butterbur, Tinospora cordifolia, cat's claw, choline, goldenseal, belladonna, bromelian and honey. Alt. therapies include hypnosis, accupuncture, and probiotics.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
9.98 9.41 0 53 Get Info
9.92 9.3 0.05 52 Get Info
7.71 6.83 1.72 7 Get Info
7.17 5.32 2.48 6 Get Info
4.38 4.85 2.08 8 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Research and Development
Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, are currently being used and developed to help long term allergy relief for about 4-5 years. However the results vary and are limited. Research is being done to ensure effective treatment for a wider population and longer lasting results.
Hay Fever Treatments
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