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User Ratings for High Cholesterol treatments
Out of 10
4  Effectiveness
2.6  Side Effects
3.6  Holistic Benefits

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Famous People with Insomnia & Sleeping Disorder

Michael Jackson

An autopsy revealed that Michael Jackson died of a lethal overdose of the anesthetic propofol, or Diprivan, which he used to relieve his chronic insomnia.


Heath Ledger

Actor Heath Ledger suffered from insomnia and sometimes slept less than two hours a night.


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is one of 20th century pop culture's most important figures. He suffered from drug addiction and insomnia.


Drew Barrymore

Actress, film producer, and director Drew Barrymore had a troubled childhood. She now suffers from severe insomnia and anxiety attacks.


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was one of the bombshells of the 20th century. Unfortunately, she suffered from several health problems, including insomnia, endometriosis, and drug addiction.



The highest grossing rapper in the world has a history of insomnia and drug dependence. He checked himself into rehabilitation to help deal with his condition.

About Fenofibrate
Fenofibrate is a drug of the fibrate class. It is mainly used to reduce cholesterol levels in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Like other fibrates it reduces both low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels, as well as increasing high-density liporotein (HDL) levels. It also appears to have a beneficial effect on the insulin resistance featured by the metabolic syndrome. It is used alone or in conjunction with statins in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Fenofibrate is sold under the brand name Triglide by Sciele Pharma and Antara by Oscient Pharmaceuticals.

The pharmaceutical form and the strength may change from one country from another, and from one brand to another. In the United States, Ttricor was reformulated in 2005 and is available in tablets of 45 and 145 mg. This reformulation is controversial and is the subject of antitrust litigation by generic drug manufacturer Teva. In Europe, it is available in coated tablet but also in capsule, the strength range include 67, 145, 160 and 200 mg. The differences in strength belong is due to altered bioavailability (the fraction absorbed by the body) due to particle size. For example: 200 mg can be replaced by 160 mg because its fenofibrate is micronised. The 145 mg strength is a new strength appeared in 2005-2006 which also replaces 200 or 160 mg as the fenofibrate is nanonised (ie the particle size is below 400 nm). Antara is sold in the U.S. as capsules of 43 and 130 mg.

Like the other fibrates, fenofibrate acts on PPAR\u03B1 to reduce cholesterol levels.

A large study in 2005 of fenofibrate in patients with diabetes showed no change in total mortality or coronary artery events, but did show a significant change in overall cardiovascular events, as well as improving some microvascular complications of diabetes.

Like most fibrates, fenofibrate can cause stomach upsets and myopathy (muscle pain) and very rarely rhabdomyolysis. This risk is increased when used together with statins. However, the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study provides important information that long-term treatment with fenofibrate therapy appears to have a favorable safety profile in patients with type 2 diabetes, even when nonstudy lipid-lowering medications were added. In FIELD, there were no cases of rhabdomyolysis reported in patients on combination therapy with fenofibrate and a statin. Thus, there is an increasing body of evidence that fenofibrate/statin combination therapy is safe and effective at managing dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes who are at risk for cardiovascular events.

Source: Wikipedia

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