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Astigmatism treatment

Astigmatism is a common vision condition that occurs due to an irregular shape of the cornea (clear outer covering of the eye). The shape of the cornea becomes an oval instead of being round and spherical. It is a very common refractive error that results in blurred vision.
Astigmatism is often hereditary and therefore is usually present at birth. However, it may also be a product of pressure on the eyelids, using eyes for close work, or unsuitable posture. It sometimes occurs in conjunction with nearsightedness or farsightedness.
Unfortunately, astigmatism cannot be completely prevented and it worsens with age. It can be prevented from getting worse by eating healthy and following the treatment procedures.
Common Symptoms
Common symptoms include headaches, fatigue, blurred vision and tired eyes These do not determine if astigmatism will occur or has occurred, but an eye exam is recommended.
Rare Symptoms
There are no rare symptoms of astigmatism recorded. Symptoms only occur in severe cases of astigmatism.
Traditional Treatment
Glasses or contacts lenses, orthokeratology, Surgical treatments: laser refractive surgery, radial keratomy, corneal transplantation, toric intraocular lens implant.
Alternative Treatment
Acupuncture, Ayurveda, The Bates Method, Biofeedback training, diet of organic foods - high in fruits, vegetables and egg yolk, avoid fried and processed foods, drink plenty of water, eye exercises, herbs: bilberry, curcumin, gentian root, grape seed.
Treatment Comparison
Research and Development
Intracorneal sutures, corneal transplants
Astigmatism Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
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