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Altitude Sickness / Mountain Sickness treatment

At very high altitudes there is a clear decrease in the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere which could prove fatal for mountain climbers; adventure sports candidates; and people who are visiting these areas for various reasons. Lack of oxygen in the atmosphere affects the body physiologically and psychologically and this condition is referred to as altitude illness or mountain sickness. Va View more...
The higher one climbs or reaches from sea level, the less oxygen there is in the atmosphere; and oxygen levels becoming extremely low once we cross 8,000 feet. This is what results in various problems especially to people who live at lower altitudes and around sea levels primarily because their systems are not used to lower levels of oxygen in the atmosphere. Hence, this is the primary cause of al View more...
Avoid rapid or sudden ascent from heights;
Ascents can be limited to 300 m or 1,000 ft per day above 3,000 m or greater than10,000 ft;
Slow or gradual acclimatization to high altitudes is recommended;
Flying or driving above 3,000 m is not recommended.
Waiting time of around 24 hours between ascents of 1,000 m or 3,300 ft is highly recommended;
Exercise is not a solution for acclimatization o View more...
Common Symptoms
Blood in sputum
Difficulty breathing
Frothy sputum
Poor coordination
Pulmonary edema
Rapid deep breathing
Rapid pulse
Shortness of breath
Sleep disturbances
Traditional Treatment
Mild forms of altitude illness can be effectively treated with the help of adequate rest; administration of fluids at regular intervals; light meals; minimal or no physical exertion; and treatment of severe forms of altitude illness include emergency treatment for pulmonary edema; relocating to lower altitudes as soon as possible; and treatment for pulmonary edema.
Newly introduced medications fo View more...
Alternative Treatment
Herbal remedies include ginko biloba extracts which is found to be effective in treating altitude illness; clove or syzygium aromaticum, especially clove oil is a rich source of eugenol; a compound which functions as a blood thinner and helps provide relief. Other sources of high-eugenol include allspice, bayrum leaf, galangal, carrot seed, shrubby basil, cinnamon, bayleaf and marjoram and herbal View more...
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Altitude Sickness / Mountain Sickness Treatments
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