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Diarrhea & Bowel Disorder treatment

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are two bowel disorders that are often confused with one another due to their several shared features. IBD is a collective term used to refer to chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory diseases, while IBS is more of a collective of symptoms. IBS is not a specific disease per se. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis are the most common View more...
What causes IBD is yet unknown. According to researchers there is a genetic predisposition or perhaps susceptibility to the development of IBD. Hence, the triggering factor for the body Immune System, which causes the susceptibility or generic predisposition, is yet unknown. We do know that an activated immune system results from an intolerance to the intestinal environment and eventually causes t View more...
Unfortunately there is no concrete way to prevent this disease since the cause is unknown. Healthy lifestyle & diet may aid symptoms in people with ulcerative colitis, but neither lifestyle change or dietary manipulation are guaranteed to prevent IBD development.
Common Symptoms
There are numerous symptoms for IBD. Common symptoms include: abdominal cramps and pain (often on the right side of the lower abdomen, which causes a feeling of a mass of fullness in the lower, right abdomen), leading to loss of appetite, which eventually results in weight loss. Fever is also a common symptom. Joint pain or stiffness, skin ulcer(s) or irritations on legs or arms are part of the co View more...
Rare Symptoms
Rare symptoms for IBD include arthritis, bone loss, liver & kidney disorders, skin conditions and inflammation of the eye.
Traditional Treatment
Depending on its severity, IBD may require immunosuppression treatments such as prednisone, TNF inhibition, azathioprine (Imuran), methotrexate, or 6-mercaptopurine to control the symptoms. Painkillers, Imodium A-D, Loperamide Hydrochloride, Bentyl, and Mesalazine may also be used. Surgical therapy is the best conventional treatment in severe cases where medical therapy fails.
Alternative Treatment
A healthy diet with low amount of fiber and dairy products may help combat symptoms of IBD. Certain foods and emotional stress can result in inflammation, so living a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy diet is essential.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
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8.67 5.56 0.85 6 Get Info
8.67 6.34 3.16 6 Get Info
7.2 5.53 1.34 5 Get Info
5.78 5.52 2.35 9 Get Info
1.14 2.77 4.46 7 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Diarrhea & Bowel Disorder Treatments
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