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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Menstruation treatment

Premenstrual syndrome is a wide range of symptoms which occur to women before their menstrual cycle. These symptoms seem to be both physical and emotional and tend to occur between 5-11 days before menstruation and tend to go away after menstruation begins.
There is no known cause for PMS, but it has been related to cultural, biological, psychological and social. It tends to occur in women between 20-40 years of age, and may get worse towards the years of menopause.
Dieting and exercising tends to decrease the severity of the symptoms. Limiting salt intake, sugar, alcohol and caffeine has been shown to decrease symptoms, as well as getting adequate sleep.
Common Symptoms
Headache, abdominal cramps/heaviness, abdominal pain, abdominal fullness, muscle spasms, breast tenderness, weight gain, recurrent cold sores, acne, nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, decreased coordination, food cravings, less tolerance for noises or lights, painful menstruation.
Rare Symptoms
Anxiety, confusion, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, poor judgment, depression, irritability, increased feelings of guilt, fatigue, sluggishness, poor self image, sex drive changes, paranoia.
Traditional Treatment
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Birth control pills; NSAIDS that include: Voltaren, Orudis, Meclomen, Ponstel; COX-2 Inhibitors that include Celebrex; Hormonal treatments that include: Synarel, Lupron,Danazol; Diuretics such as Zaroxolyn and Aldactone; To reduce breast pain: Bromocriptine, Danazol, Tamoxifen.
Alternative Treatment
Dieting, exercising, nutritional supplements like Calcium, Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Red raspberry leaf tea. Drinking lots of water.
Treatment Comparison
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Show results for:
BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
7.98 6.78 2.84 41 Get Info
7.35 6.01 1.11 37 Get Info
5.29 6.23 4.43 21 Get Info
4.65 5.96 4.71 17 Get Info
1.5 3.41 5.84 16 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Menstruation Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
88 Drugs
81 Supplements
Goody's Extra Strength Headache Powders
Bayer Aspirin Caplets
Advil Children's
Children's Ibuprofin
Excedrin Migraine Caplets
Excedrin Migraine Geltabs
Excedrin Migraine Tablets
Goody's Body Pain Powders
Motrin IB Gelcaps
Motrin IB Tablets
Motrin Caplets
Motrin Children's
Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Alka-Seltzer Flavored Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Ascriptin Enteric Regular Strength
Excedrin Extra-Strength Caplets
Excedrin Extra-Strength Geltabs
Advil Migraine
Advil Caplets
Advil Children's Flavored
Adprin B Tri-Buffered Caplets
Advil Junior Strength Chewable Tablets
Ascriptin Enteric Adult Low Strength
Aspirin Free Anacin
Bayer Aspirin with Calcium Regimen Caplets
Bufferin Enteric Low Dose Caplets
Famous People with Multiple Sclerosis
SmallTeri Garr LRS-024662.jpg

Teri Garr

In 2002 Teri Garr announced that she had had Multiple Sclerosis for 25 years.

SmallMontel Williams SGG-046184.jpg

Montel Williams

Williams was first diagnosed with MS in 1999, although he'd been having episodes on and off for many years.

SmallTamia Hill DLL-087963.jpg

Tamia Hill

In 2003 Tamia announced that she has Multiple Sclerosis.

SmallClay Walker & wife PRN-020703.jpg

Clayton (Clay) Walker

Clay produced one country music hit after another until he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996.


Jacqueline du Pré

When du Pré was still only 28, her doctors reached the conclusion that she was suffering from MS.

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