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Ovarian Cysts treatment

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac made of a thin wall that forms inside or on a woman's ovaries due to menstrual cycle problems. Most are harmless and are the size of a nut. Although they may occur in women of all ages they usually appear between puberty and menopause; these are called funtional cysts. There are also non-functional ovarian cysts including cystadenomas, dermoid cysts and endom View more...
Each month during a woman's menstrual cycle, the ovary creates an egg that grows inside a follicle. When the follicle does not rupture and release the egg (ovulation) properly the fluid remaining forms a cyst. A cyst may also form from problems with the corpus luteum. Other causes include infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, certain fertility drugs, hypothryroidism, and a history of previou View more...
Ovarian cysts are very common in women and cannot truly be prevented. However, women can be more aware of irregulaties or changes in menstrual cycle and schedule pelvic examinations.
Common Symptoms
Lower abdominal pain, long-term or severe pelvic pain, Pelvic pain during intercourse or after strenuous exercise, pain or pressure on bowels, nausea/vomiting, bladder or rectum pressure, fullness in abdomen, menstrual irregularities, infertility, vaginal pain or bleeding, bleeding into the cyst, weight gain, headache
Rare Symptoms
Shoulder pain, increased facial hair, anemia, pain in ribs
Traditional Treatment
Usually ovarian cysts disappear on their own and do not need treatment unless they continue to grow or do not go away after a few months or 3 menstrual cycles.
Alternative Treatment
Birth control pills, surgery to remove large cysts, pain relievers, warm bath/heating pad, hormonal contraceptive, acupuncture
Treatment Comparison
Research and Development
Laparoscopy, CA-125 blood test
Ovarian Cysts Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
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Drew Barrymore

Actress, film producer, and director Drew Barrymore had a troubled childhood. She now suffers from severe insomnia and anxiety attacks.

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