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Benign Tumors / Cysts treatment

Benign tumors are harmless tumors that are unable to generate a cancer or malignant neoplasm. They are characterized by abnormal overgrowth of cells; but unlike cancerous cells they grow slowly and neither metastasize nor invade surrounding tissues and organs.
Most benign tumors are caused by genetic mutations, but they can also be a symptom of a disease (like Carney Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis Syndrome, scoliosis, etc.). Congenital developmental defect can also result in the formation of a benign tumor or cyst as well.
Indole-3-Carbinol: see Research and Development.
Common Symptoms
Formation of a lump, pain, swelling and inflammation are the most distinctive signs that characterize tumors. In order to determine whether the tumor is cancerous or not, it is necessary to do a biopsy (removal of cells for examination).
Rare Symptoms
Nerve dysfunction (hearing loss, uncoordinated gait, etc.), avascular necrosis.
Traditional Treatment
Surgery (laparoscopy, cystectomy, partial oophorectomy for ovarian cysts).
Alternative Treatment
Depends on the location of the tumor/cyst: diathermy coagulation (for iris cysts), non-invasive ultrasounds (for fibroid tumors), GnRH antagonists (for leiomyomas).
Treatment Comparison
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9 7.48 5.82 1 Get Info
2 3.24 4.15 1 Get Info
0 0 0 1 Get Info
0 2.6 7.05 1 Get Info
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Research and Development
Indole-3-Carbinol (a derivative from brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower) may be helpful in the prevention of tumors and cysts. It provides to the body raw materials to deactivate the hormone estradiol, which is responsible for fibroid tumors when produced in excess.
Benign Tumors / Cysts Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
19 Drugs
9 Supplements
Famous People with Benign Tumors

Tiger Woods

Professional golf player has undergone three arthroscopic knee surgeries.

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