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Atherosclerosis & Arterial Disease treatment

Atherosclorosis, a condition in which plaque eventually hardens on the walls of arteries throughout the body, signals arterial disease. Arterial disease is a narrowing of arteries such that blood flow is reduced to either the heart, brain, or the body.
The causes of atherosclerosis and the arterial disease that follows include hypertension, high cholesterol, poor diet, smoking, diabetes, stress, family history of heart disease, and old age.
Atherosclerosis and arterial disease can be prevented by regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Common Symptoms
The most common symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, abnormal changes in heart rhythm, uncontrolled hypertension, and angina. Symptoms for atherosclerosis and arterial disease generally don't tend to appear until plaque has already blocked an artery.
Rare Symptoms
Rare symptoms include pain in the shoulder and erectile dysfunction.
Traditional Treatment
Angioplasty, stints.
Alternative Treatment
Yoga, Hawthorn, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B3, regular doses of dark chocolate, resveratrol, soy, niacin, calcium garlic, ginger, and myrrh.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
7 4.88 3.74 6 Get Info
6 3.6 0.99 6 Get Info
6 3.6 0 1 Get Info
1.5 0.9 7.1 2 Get Info
0.5 4.02 5 2 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Research and Development
In 2008, multiple scientists mentioned that if the gene PPAR delta is activated, then patients will lose weight and all symptoms of atherosclerosis will virtually disappear. Scientists haven't published papers on atherosclerosis potential treatments in about two years.
Atherosclerosis & Arterial Disease Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
98 Drugs
17 Supplements
Famous People with Osteoarthritis

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal

Shaq is one of the most dominant professional basketball players in the NBA, but he suffers from osteoarthritis in his right big toe.

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