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Rosacea treatment

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that typically affects an individual after the age of 30. It is sub-catagorized into four subtypes to include the range of symptoms that are charecteristic of the disease (though generally an individual afflicted with rosacea may exhibit symptoms belonging to more than one subtypes). These include subtype 1 (erythematotelangiectatic), subtype 2 (pa View more...
While the cause is currently unknown, it is generally understood that an individual is more like to be affected if 1) he/she is light skined, 2) blushes easily 3) is a woman (although men afflicted with this condition typically exhibit more severe symptoms), and 4) he/she is between the ages of 30-50. Certain heredity (currently unknown), and/or a combination of environmental factors may work in c View more...
Minimizing the intake of hot food and drinks, spicy foods, and alcohol may help reduce the risk of flare ups. Also, avoiding extreme temperatures, stress, anger, embarrassment, sunlight, strenuous activity, corticosteroids, and drugs that dilate blood vessels will help in controlling the condition.
Common Symptoms
Primary symptoms include the following signs: 1) flushing, 2) redness, 3) bumps and pimples that may sting and burn, and 4) visible blood vessels on affected part. Secondary symptoms include the following signs: 1) eye irritation, 2) noticeably dry skin, 3) development of red patches called plagues, 4) thickening of skin also known as rhinophyma, 5) facial swelling and 6) similar symptoms seen on View more...
Rare Symptoms
In rare instances, sabaceous or oil glands around the nose may enlarge and give rise to a condition known as rhinophyma. This is characterized by a bulbous appearance of the nose.
Traditional Treatment
Microdermabrasion proceeding surgical procedures to correct rhinophyma is often performed. Other treatments include the following: cryosurgery, radiofrequency ablation, electrosurgery in conjuction with scissor sculpturing and skin grafting. To minimize ocular symptoms eye lash cleansing and ophthalmic treatments are recommended. Antibiotics may be prescribed orally, or to be used topically on aff View more...
Alternative Treatment
Although the following treatments provide no conclusive evidence, they have been used and/or suggested to alleviate certain symptoms of the disease. These include colloidal silver, emu oil, laurelwood, oregano oil and vitamin K.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
7 7.24 5.34 2 Get Info
7 4.2 3.58 1 Get Info
5 3 0 1 Get Info
3.17 3.91 5.51 6 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
-4 0 0 1 Get Info
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Research and Development
Although there is very little known about rosacea, research has identified some cellular mechanistic pathways and biological molecules and growth factors that may trigger some of the classic symptoms of this disease. These include identification of growth factors, inflammatory pathways, and diagnostic tests for ocular rosacea.
Rosacea Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
23 Drugs
2 Supplements
Famous People with Cancer
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Farrah Fawcett

She was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006. Initially she believed she'd beaten it; anal cancer is highly curable if found in the early stages.

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Bruce Paltrow

Paltrow was diagnosed with oral cancer, which hits about 40,000 Americans every year. If it's diagnosed early enough it can be cured relatively easily.

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Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze underwent treatment with the new Cyberknife radiotherapy, and survived longer than is usual for people with pancreatic cancer.


Eva Perón

She was the first person in Argentina to receive chemotherapy although she was never told about the cervical cancer that killed her.


Jade Goody

Goody learned that she had cervical cancer while actually on camera during the Indian version of Big Brother.


Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the whip-smart CEO of Apple Inc., has been treated surgically for a rare form of pancreatic cancer, an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor. But he tried alternative treatments first.


Frank McCourt

Frank McCourt won the Pulitzer Prize for his luminous memoir 'Angela's Ashes,' but his fight with melanoma has been complicated by meningitis.


Charlton Heston

Heston suffered from prostate cancer, pneumonia, and Alzhimer's disease.


Olivia Newton-John

Star of the movie musical Grease found out she had breast cancer at age 44. She used Eastern and Western techniques to battle the illness.


Christina Applegate

Applegate was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 36, but was prepared for it because of her family history and a genetic test.


Kylie Minogue

Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 37, and said that undergoing chemotherapy was like "experiencing a nuclear bomb."


Edie Falco

The Sopranos star Edie Falco underwent chemotherapy during filming. She kept her illness a secret from the cast and crew to maintain strength.


Paul Allen

Co-founder of Microsoft recovered from Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1983, and was recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2009.


Lynn Redgrave

Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimia and then breast cancer, too.


Michael Douglas

'Fatal Attraction' star Michael Douglas had a fatal attraction of his own-to cigarettes. And that may have led to the tumor in his throat that he's currently battling.

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