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Constipation treatment

Constipation can be described as a gastrointesinal disorder characterized by difficulty in the formation of stool; passage of only small amount of extremely hard; dry stool; with a marked decreased in the frequency of passing this hard and dry stool; mostly less than thrice a week. Constipation begins at the level of the large intestine; the function of which is processing and eliminating stool. W View more...
Lack of fiber in regular diet; dehydration or decreased intake of water and/or liquids; lack of physical activity and/or exercise; certain drugs or medication can cause constipation, for example analgesics like Codeine; Demerol; and Perocdan; antacids like Maalox and Mylanta; anticholingeric drugs like Donnatal; anticonvulsants like Dilantin; anti-depressants like tricyclics; beta-blockers like In View more...
Recommended fiber intake is 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day; and the following are a rich source of fiber: unprocessed wheat bran; unrefined breakfast cereals; fresh fruits; vegetables; grainy breads; and legumes.
Increase amount of water and other liquid intake especially fresh fruit juices.
Diet should be easily digestible.
One should eat freshly cooked food and chew food thoroughly before sw View more...
Common Symptoms
Opening the bowel infrequently; straining and discomfort associated with passing stool; abdominal bloating; abdominal cramping and pain associated with bowel movements.
Rare Symptoms
Neurological symptoms like vertigo might occur in tandem with constipation in people who are generally not nervously inclined; as a consequence constipation that continues over a period of time especially more than three to four days, could result in cerebral symptoms like an ongoing sense of pressure/weight accompanied with dullness in the head and/or headaches. Dizziness also could result from c View more...
Traditional Treatment
Conservative treatment includes dietary and lifestyle changes or mild laxatives. Diet changes include meals rich in fiber 20 to 35 grams; drinking 64 ounces of liquid either water or juice on a daily basis; limited consumption of food that has less or no fiber like ice cream; meat; cheese; or any other processed foods. Lifestyle changes include exercising on a regular basis; taking time to have a View more...
Alternative Treatment
Herbal remedies for constipation include aloe gel; buckthorn; cascara sagrada; dandelion tincture; ginger an infusion or tea of chopped root; hibiscus; kelp; milk thistle tincture or capsules; psyllium seeds; and senna which functions as a stimulant laxative.
Homeopathic remedies include Bryonia; Calcarea carbonica; Causticum; Graphites; Lycopodium; Nux vomica; Sepia; Silicea also known as Silica View more...
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
9 6.75 1.6 3 Get Info
7.5 7.66 4.97 2 Get Info
7 4.2 0 2 Get Info
6.94 5.7 3.49 16 Get Info
3.5 3.12 0 2 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Constipation Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
25 Drugs
51 Supplements
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