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User Ratings
Out of 10
1  Effectiveness
3.4  Side Effects
0.6  Holistic Benefits

RateADrug users have reported 3 EntocortEC side effects and 1 EntocortEC benefit.

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Famous People with Crohn's Disease
SmallShannon Doherty PRN-026582.jpg

Shannon Doherty

She revealed to Star magazine that she struggles with Crohn's disease


Chris Conley

Conley was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease as a teenager, and hid it for years.

SmallMike McCready TAL-000778.jpg

Mike McCready

He'd been diagnosed with the chronic condition 20 years earlier, he said, suffering severe abdominal pain and debilitating attacks of diarrhea.

About Budesonide
Budesonide is a glucocorticoid steroid for the treatment of asthma, non-infectious rhinitis (including hay fever and other allergies), and for treatment and prevention of nasal polyposis. Additionally, it is used for inflammatory bowel disease. It is marketed by AstraZeneca as a nasal inhalation with the brand name Rhinocort (in Denmark, as Rhinosol), as an oral inhalation with the brand name Pulmicort, and as an enema and a modified-release capsule with the brand name Entocort. It is also sold in combination with formoterol (Oxis) in a single inhaler, with the brand name Symbicort.

Source: Wikipedia

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