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User Ratings
Out of 10
5.2  Effectiveness
5.8  Side Effects
5.3  Holistic Benefits

RateADrug users have reported 8 Ortho-cept side effects and 3 Ortho-cept benefits.

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27 Feb 2013 I have been on Orthocept for about 6 months now. I've never had issues with anxiety or depression before, but since takin this pill I've had an awful time dealing with my emotions. I'm not 100% positive that this is the cause of my depression, but I honestly have nothing bad going on in my life and no reason to be feeling his way. I made an appointment with my doctor for his week and I'm hoping to get off the pill and stay off it. I just want my body to get back to its natural state because I think this stuff is really messing with my mind.
   —Posted by Anonymous
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25 Sep 2012 Well let me start out By saying before I started taking this pill i did my research and saw the negative comments and told myself, everyone reacts differently to pills and that ill give it a try. I thought im pretty sure ill be back to give a good review..well thats what I thought...I've been on orthocept for 6+ months now . The first 2-3 months were fine, no spotting, no moodiness, no loss of sex drive, my acne cleared up, my boobs got bigger and then all that changed! I have recently been having irregular bleeding for the past 5 weeks.. I'm moody as all hell, I have NO sex drive whatsoever, I seriously have to force myself to get out of bed and all I want to do is nap all day. This pill has seriously just taken my "normal" life from me. I am going to my doctor and getting a different pill. I would NOT recommend this pill to anyone.
   —Posted by GoodbyeOrtho-cept
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18 Mar 2012 I've been on ortho cept for a month and as birth control it is reliable but I have neck pains and bad headaches daily now I also get cramps all throughout the month now and am sleeping around twelve hours a day before ortho cept I slept eight. I'm easily aggravated and annoyed alot more I've also experienced dark red/brownish spotting and minor back pains. On the plus side I'm gaining weight but for whatever reason, only in my butt and breasts so I'm ok with this lol. All the side effects suck though:/
   —Posted by anonymous
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03 Sep 2011 I hate it. I've been on it for about 5 months and I've been experiencing horrible mood swings. My periods are lighter but irregular and my sex drive has completely vanished. Even my husband wants me to change BC. Its horrible! I can't go a single day without crying about something stupid or getting angry. I'm constantly bloted and I get migraines every day now. I have very low energy levels and getting me out of bed is like pulling teeth. I'm in perpetual PMS.
   —Posted by Anonymous
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26 Apr 2011 After 9 months Its an effective birth control, but I have severe acne that never goes away(Ive never had acne in my life not even as a teen), im always bloated with light nausea, Ive had multiple yeast infections which Id never had before BC, I sleep at least 10 hours per night and have bad cramps with my period. The periods are light and predictable but uncomfortable cramps and breast 'growth'.
   —Posted by Anonymous
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