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User Ratings
Out of 10
8.9  Effectiveness
2.3  Side Effects
5.7  Holistic Benefits
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1. What do you use Vytorin for?

Get the facts about Vytorin with RateAdrug's MedCheck

Takes less than five minutes to receive your side effects and other personalized scores

Why do you take this medication? Select the best match for your condition. If your condition is not listed, select "Other" and type it in.


2How effective has Vytorin been for you?
Condition Worse
Condition Better
Click on the bar to rate effectiveness
You can rate the effectiveness of this treatment on a scale of -10 to +10. Negative ratings mean your condition has worsened and positive ratings mean your condition has improved. "Zero" means you haven't noticed a change.
3 What do you like best about Vytorin?
Type in what you appreciate or value most about your medication. Click "Add More" to include additional aspects.
4 What do you like least about Vytorin?
Type in what you dislike most about taking this medication. Click "Add More" to include additional aspects. You can rate side effects in Question 6.
5 Since starting Vytorin, have you noticed any of the following changes in your health and well-being?
Much Worse Worse No Change Better Much Better
Coordination/Motor Skills
Sexual Health
Skin Complexion
Blood Pressure
Mental / Emotional
Much Worse Worse No Change Better Much Better
Emotional Well-being
Mental Clarity
Stress Level
Much Worse Worse No Change Better Much Better
Add More        
This section helps determine how your treatment affects all aspects of your health, including those not directly correlated to your medication. "No change" means you haven't noticed any effect in these areas. If you've experienced changes in your health that are not listed, type them into the "Other Changes" text box, and rate them. Please note that you will be rating side effects and one-time episodes below.
6 Since starting Vytorin, have you experienced any of the following side effects?
None Mild Moderate Strong Severe
Amnesia / Memory Loss
Back Pain
Dry Mouth
Effect on:
None Mild Moderate Strong   Severe
Hearing Loss
Increased Appetite
Kidney Failure
Liver Failure
Effect on:
None Mild Moderate Strong   Severe
Tingling Sensations
Abdominal Pain
Allergic Reaction
Effect on:
None Mild Moderate Strong   Severe
Hot Flashes / Flushing
Muscle / Joint Pain
If you've experienced any of these side effects since taking this medication, rate them. The default value for each side effect is "None," so if you skip some they will be counted as "zero". If your side effect isn't listed, enter it into the "Other Side Effects box" at the end of Question 7, and rate it. If you've experienced more than one additional side effect, click "Add More." You can add as many as you like.
7Since starting Vytorin, have you experienced any of the following side effects?
None Mild Moderate Strong Severe
Concentration / Focus Problems
Discolored Urine
Nerve Pain / Damage
Rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle fibers)
Elevated Blood Sugar
Reduced Libido
Other Side Effects:
Add More        
If you've experienced any of these side effects since taking this medication, rate them. The default value for each side effect is "None," so if you skip some they will be counted as "zero". If your side effect isn't listed, enter it into the "Other Side Effects box" at the end of Question 7, and rate it. If you've experienced more than one additional side effect, click "Add More." You can add as many as you like.
8 Have you experienced any of the following events since taking Vytorin?

If you've experienced any of these episodes since taking your medication, record them. If you’ve experienced an episode that isn’t listed, type it into the 'Other' box.
9 How satisfied are you with Vytorin?
Not At All Very Satisfied
Click on the bar to rate your satisfaction
10What is your recommended / prescribed dosage?
11How long have you been taking Vytorin? / How regularly?

12Are you currently taking any of the following supplements? (you can check more than one):

Share Your Experience (optional)
Please share your experience using Vytorin anonymously with the RateADrug.com community. Your comments will be displayed in the User Comments section of the Vytorin page.
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Your feeback is useful to other users. Please describe your experience.
Your personal information will not be sold or shared with anyone
About you.
On average, what does your diet consist of? (you can check more than one):

Enter your e-mail address to receive your personal MedCheck Report.
Your personal information will remain confidential. RateADrug uses only anonymous, aggregated information to help discover possible correlations between health habits, diet, and medication side effects. This information will be included in your health report, which you can elect to send to your doctor or care giver.
A copy of your free MedCheck will be emailed to you.
Important: Always consult your health care provider before taking any action regarding your medications. RateADrug.com disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of information on this site and for any use of RAD User Reviews and/or MedChecks that you may elect to receive. By continuing to view information on this site and/ or participate in RAD Treatment Evaluations, you agree to RateADrug's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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