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Can maggot and leech therapy outperform modern medicine?
Bizarre Treatments 12 of 13 | Speed
Bee stings—the bee’s knees for MS and arthritis?
Emmanuel Boutet
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Bee stings—the bee’s knees for MS and arthritis?
Contrary to the classic cartoon image of people fleeing angry bees, some patients are now running towards them. The idea is that melittin in the bee venom stimulates the body to produce anti-inflammatory cortisol, which may bring relief for a cornucopia of complaints from tennis elbow and fibromyalgia to MS and arthritis. Other peptides and proteins in the venom have unknown immunogenic effects.

The venom can be injected, or an apitherapist can hold the bee in place and squeeze it with tweezers to make it sting. Compared to the pain of an injection, say apitherapists and their patients, the pain of the sting is slight.

Although many individuals count on bee venom for relief, controlled studies have not been encouraging, and although bee venom appears to have anti-ca...View full story
12 of 13
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