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Famous People with Prostate Cancer

Dave Prowse

Known for his role as Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, Prowse was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when he was thirteen years old.


Charlton Heston

Heston suffered from prostate cancer, pneumonia, and Alzhimer's disease.

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over 8000 prescription drugs and alternative treatments
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I was taking agomelatin associated as an alternative to a classical SSRI, to cure deep depression. However, if my sleep quality increased deeply and I felt more self confident, I started to too have emotional instability, especially strong aggressiveness burst. Those aggressiveness burst developed progressively during a three weeks period. I became quite unable to cope with basic (and minor) social conflicting situation and had to make stong mental effort to avoid resorting to violence (incl... View full comment
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my legs swelled and went heavy. I wasn't sleeping and not urinating freqently enough. my mother is 86 and has taken them for a long time with no side effects. my husband has just been prescribed them although he is not over weight and walks every day to work and around his work place his colestrol is 7.5. we have been healthy eating for a few years now so this has come as a bit of shock to him. His mother is 83 and as fit a fiddle but we have both lost our fathers to strokes so we take this... View full comment
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I kid you not, this is a wonderful softgel. I am so excited and extremely overjoyed that both my big toes are absolutely PAIN FREE. I broke these toes years ago and they have caused me total discomfort, sometimes causing me to cry in anguish. I have been reading about several herbs. I came across Zyflamend from Vitacost, decided to give them a try and haven't been without them since. I have used one bottle starting 2 a day, and limiting them to 1 per day and as needed. A blessing from t... View full comment
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I started taking it a few months ago, and the only real side effects I'm seeing is fatigue and about a week before my period I get very bad headaches. Other than that, no problems! My sister on the other hand, gained at least 15-20 pounds instantly and would get very dizzy and disoriented before her period. She had to change to Femcom.
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I like Low-Ogestrel because I think it is a milder form of birth control, but I did gain about 5 pounds right away, and the weight has been difficult to lose. I am not completely satisfied.
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Generally Advil has been very beneficial, but I have experienced stomach pain/nausea following use of Advil.
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This medication was prescribed after i started my chemo and its very successful at preventing nausea.
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