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Celebrity Health
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Steve Jobs, the whip-smart CEO of Apple Inc., has been treated surgically for a rare fo...
Goody learned that she had cervical cancer while actually on camera during the Indian v...
Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimi...
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Bruce Paltrow
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Bruce Paltrow
Bruce Paltrow (1943-2002) American director and producer, known for the groundbreaking TV series 'St Elsewhere' and a string of series like "The Mind of the Married Man" and "Brilliant, but Cancelled." He was also known for his unusually (by Hollywood standards) long and happy marriage to actress Blythe Danner.
Their daughter Gwyneth is also one of the most renowned actresses of her generation, and her husband, Chris Martin of Coldplay fame, wrote the song 'White Shadows' (on the X&Y album, which is dedicated to Bruce Paltrow) as a tribute to Bruce. 'The White Shadow' was the name of a primetime series that Bruce created in 1978, the first ever series to feature a mostly African-American cast.

Paltrow was diagnosed with oral cancer, which hits about 40,000 Americans ever...View full story
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—Posted by Larry
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Health tip of the day:
Quit smoking! Smoking is the number one cause of premature death in every country on the globe; cigarettes contain over 3,000 chemicals, including Formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies), Hydrogen cyanide (rat poison), Acetone (used in nail polish remover), and Hydrazine (used in rocket fuel).

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