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Celebrity Health
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Applegate was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 36, but was prepared for it be...
Heston suffered from prostate cancer, pneumonia, and Alzhimer's disease.
Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimi...
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Farrah Fawcett
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Farrah Fawcett
Farrah Fawcett (1947—2009) American actress, best known for her role as an abused woman in ‘The Burning Bed’ and as Jill Munroe in the series ‘Charlie’s Angels.’ She was every teenage boy’s fantasy during the ‘70s, when posters of her wearing a red swimsuit were taped up onto countless bedroom and basement walls. The poster eventually sold a staggering—and still-unrivalled—12 million copies; it was named as one of Life Magazine’s iconic images of the ‘70s. A copy was shot into space in a time capsule and another is displayed in the Smithsonian.

Fawcett’s ability to command attention was displayed again when nearly nine million viewers tuned in to watch a documentary about her struggle with that anal cancer that finally killed her. The video footage was originally intended to be ...View full story
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—Posted by Larry
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Health tip of the day:
When taking antibiotics, take all of the prescribed medicine. Don't stop when you are feeling better, because infections can come back when the medication is cut off early.

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