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Celebrity Health
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Frank McCourt won the Pulitzer Prize for his luminous memoir 'Angela's Ashes,' but his...
Heston suffered from prostate cancer, pneumonia, and Alzhimer's disease.
Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimi...
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Michael Douglas
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Michael Douglas
Michael Douglas (1944—) Academy Award-winning actor and producer Michael Douglas is a regular on the big screen, wowing audiences with movies like ‘Romancing the Stone,’ 'The China Syndrome,' and ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.’

However, just ahead of the opening of ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’—the much-anticipated sequel to one of his biggest successes, ‘Wall Street’—Douglas has been diagnosed with a throat tumor and will undergo an aggressive regime of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Douglas and his wife, Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, have both long struggled with an addiction to smoking. Zeta-Jones was deeply embarrassed by some 2003 photos that showed her smoking while pregnant, and she and Douglas vowed to quit the habit. Like many smokers, bo...View full story
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—Posted by Larry
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Health tip of the day:
Do you have terrible menstrual cramps and uncomfortable periods? Try the following: exercise vigorously - jump rope recommended - especially during first 2 days Drink tons of water Drink Red Raspberry leaf tea during the week before Stop eating sugar Take an ibuprofen/advil during the first 2 days (2 in the morning 2 in the evening) acupuncture - ask for recommended herbs also take a hot bath / place a hot water bottle on your abdomen Eat lots of spinach (for iron) and fresh fruits/vegetables Stop eating salt Have orgasms - they produce a hormone that speed everything up Take birth control pills

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