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Celebrity Health
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Wildly popular singer-songwriter, drummer and guitarist Nick Jonas, of Jonas Brothers f...
In 1989 Halle was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Thirty-two year old actress dies from cardiac arrest. She had type 2 diabetes and a thy...
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Halle Berry
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Halle Berry
Halle Berry (August 14, 1966) is an American actress, model and beauty queen. In 1989 Halle was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she lapsed into a coma during the taping of a TV series, 'Living Dolls'.

Berry has said that she has cured herself of type 1 diabetes through making changes in her diet. She believes that through the help of a nutritionist and lifestyle changes, diabetes can be minimized, if not totally cured.

Doctors, however, have argued that Berry was probably initially misdiagnosed since in Type 1 diabetics the immune system has destroyed the insulin-producing part of the pancreas, and it's therefore incurable.
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Health tip of the day:
If you have a family history of breast cancer, limit your use of underwire bras and deoderant with aluminum in the ingredients. Aluminum in these products has been linked to breast cancer.

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