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Celebrity Health
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In 2002 Teri Garr announced that she had had Multiple Sclerosis for 25 years.
When du Pré was still only 28, her doctors reached the conclusion that she was sufferin...
Clay produced one country music hit after another until he was diagnosed with Multiple...
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Clayton (Clay) Walker
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Clayton (Clay) Walker
Ernest Clayton (Clay) Walker, Jr. (August 19, 1969 in Texas) is an American country music artist. Clay made his debut in 1993 with the hit single "What's it to you." Clay produced one country music hit after another until he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996.
Clay has found that managing his symptoms with a daily injection of Copaxone works best for him. He was also participated in charity to raise awareness and fight MS. Clay started his own non-profit charity, Band Against MS. He routinely plays in charity golf tournaments and in 2005 won the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am and donated all proceeds to his charity.
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Tamia Hill < Previous Next > Jacqueline du Pré | Speed

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Health tip of the day:
Quit smoking! Smoking is the number one cause of premature death in every country on the globe; cigarettes contain over 3,000 chemicals, including Formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies), Hydrogen cyanide (rat poison), Acetone (used in nail polish remover), and Hydrazine (used in rocket fuel).

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