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Celebrity Health
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Thirty-two year old actress dies from cardiac arrest. She had type 2 diabetes and a thy...
Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimi...
Mary Kate Olsen has struggled with depression, ADD and the eating disorder anorexia ner...
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Mary Kate Olsen
David Shankbone
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Mary Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen (1986- ) is an American actress, producer, model and fashion designer. Her successful career started at a very young age when she and her twin sister Ashley Olsen were cast as the ‘babies’ in the popular TV show Full House. Since then MK, as her friends call her, has had a series of health problems.

In 2003 Olsen revealed that she suffers from attention deficit disorder. The actress said that because of her ADD she has had to learn that everybody’s brain works differently, and she has to allow herself more time to compute and analyze information.

In 2004 speculation was rife when Olsen appeared looking shockingly thin, almost emaciated. She eventually entered treatment for an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and related issues at Cirque Lodge in Su...View full story
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Health tip of the day:
You might be able to avoid the H1N1 virus, regular flu and the common cold this winter by exercising every day. Exercise gives your immune system a boost, says Dr. David Nieman, director of Appalachian State University's Human Performance Lab in North Carolina. According to Dr. Neiman, two kinds of immune cells circulate more freely in the blood when you excercise, neutralizing pathogens. The effect only lasts for a few hours, but the benefits are cumulative, adding up to a generally stronger immune system. People who walked "briskly" for 45 minutes a day, at least five daysa week for 12 to 15 weeks, reduced their sick days by 25 to 50 percent compared to couch potato controls in his study.

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