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Celebrity Health
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Actor Heath Ledger suffered from insomnia and sometimes slept less than two hours a night.
The highest grossing rapper in the world has a history of insomnia and drug dependence....
Elvis Presley is one of 20th century pop culture's most important figures. He suffered...
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Marilyn Monroe
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Marilyn Monroe
Norma Jean Baker (1926-1962), otherwise known as Marilyn Monroe, American actress, singer, and model. After growing up in foster homes and an orphanage, Monroe dyed her hair blonde to pursue a career in acting. Her first starring role was in the film Niagara in 1946, and continued to build her fame with other films, such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How To Marry a Millionaire, and The Seven Year Itch. Although frequently portrayed as a ‘dumb blonde,’ Monroe discussed her ambition to play dramatic roles, and she pursued acting lessons to deepen her ability. Monroe was romantically linked to professional baseball player Joe DiMaggio, playwright Arthur Miller, as well as the Kennedy brothers, John and Bobby.

Monroe had a family history of mental illness and institutionalization. Sh...View full story
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Drew Barrymore < Previous Next > Eminem | Speed


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—Posted by Larry
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