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Celebrity Health
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American film actor suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and found relief from alternativ...
Deal-maker extraordinaire Bruce Wasserstein died unexpectedly after being hospitalized...
Late night talk show host Larry King had a bout with depression after having heart surg...
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Michael Jackson
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Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson (1958-2009). American singer/songwriter/dancer Michael Jackson was known to his fans as the King of Pop. He first found fame singing with his brothers as a member of The Jackson Five; the group had several smash hits like “I Want You Back.” As a solo artist he was a wildly successful innovator, creating crossover music and complex dance routines and his hit song “Thriller” electrified the fledgling MTV.

Michael collapsed suddenly with heart failure just as he was getting ready to go back on tour. He wasn’t breathing when paramedics arrived at his rented mansion and was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

An autopsy has revealed that the powerful anesthetic drug propofol, or Diprivan, caused his death, and that his personal physician Dr. Conrad...View full story
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—Posted by Larry
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