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Celebrity Health
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Owen Wilson has struggled with depression for years, and despite taking anti-depressant...
This comedian is self-proclaimed to be a "weird, serious person," and has been battling...
Late night talk show host Larry King had a bout with depression after having heart surg...
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Mary Kate Olsen
David Shankbone
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Mary Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen (1986- ) is an American actress, producer, model and fashion designer. Her successful career started at a very young age when she and her twin sister Ashley Olsen were cast as the ‘babies’ in the popular TV show Full House. Since then MK, as her friends call her, has had a series of health problems.

In 2003 Olsen revealed that she suffers from attention deficit disorder. The actress said that because of her ADD she has had to learn that everybody’s brain works differently, and she has to allow herself more time to compute and analyze information.

In 2004 speculation was rife when Olsen appeared looking shockingly thin, almost emaciated. She eventually entered treatment for an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and related issues at Cirque Lodge in Su...View full story
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Health tip of the day:
New research suggests that bacteria in tobacco can lead to infection - even just by handling the tobacco products. The researcher was able to isolate and grow some strains of bacteria in a petri dish, and suspects that there are up to a thousand bacterial species in tobacco products. The team found over a hundred bacterial matches in their research, including: "Campylobacter, which can cause food poisoning and Guillain-Barre Syndrome; Clostridium, which causes food poisoning and pneumonias; Corynebacterium, also associated with pneumonias and other diseases; E. coli; Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, all of which are associated not only with pneumonia but also with urinary tract infections; and a number of Staphylococcus species that underlie the most common and serious hospital-associated infections."

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