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Main Ingredients:   Opium (AKA: Papaver Somniferum, Opium Poppy)

Supplement Categories:
Herbs & Plants
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Famous People with Insomnia & Sleeping Disorder

Michael Jackson

An autopsy revealed that Michael Jackson died of a lethal overdose of the anesthetic propofol, or Diprivan, which he used to relieve his chronic insomnia.


Heath Ledger

Actor Heath Ledger suffered from insomnia and sometimes slept less than two hours a night.


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is one of 20th century pop culture's most important figures. He suffered from drug addiction and insomnia.


Drew Barrymore

Actress, film producer, and director Drew Barrymore had a troubled childhood. She now suffers from severe insomnia and anxiety attacks.


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was one of the bombshells of the 20th century. Unfortunately, she suffered from several health problems, including insomnia, endometriosis, and drug addiction.



The highest grossing rapper in the world has a history of insomnia and drug dependence. He checked himself into rehabilitation to help deal with his condition.

About Opium
A plant of extremes, this poppy is the source of both morphine, one of the strongest painkillers, and heroin, one of the most addictive substances known. It has played a dramatic role in history, prompting wars and huge social problems. Opium and heroin, derived illicitly, have produced devastating drug problems, while morphine and codeine are produced legally to play a vital role in conventional medicine. The homeopathic remedy was proved in 1805 by Hahnemann. If symptoms occur with one or both of these states, Opium is given for insomnia, sleeping disorders, respiratory problems, constipation, and shock. Opium can also be used to help treat recovery from stroke paralysis, brain injuries. Opium has been used as a painkiller since Greek and Roman times. Opium mimics the action of naturally occurring chemicals in the brain, called endorphins, which help to induce sleep and a state of well-being. Derivatives, such as morphine and codeine, are used in orthodox medicine. Opium is used for mental state that can occur after a severe scare or shock, such as the death of a loved one. The hearing is so acute that it is possible to hear things like crawling insects. The remedy is also given for constipation and respiratory problems, such as irregular breathing. Opium is very good after strokes and for delirium tremens caused by alcohol withdrawal. Insomnia and narcolepsy - insomnia, inability to sleep despite fatigue, or brief bouts of irresistible drowsiness. Sleep is either light, restless, and easily disturbed, with hearing so acute that it seems to detect even the faint sounds of insects' movements, or very heavy, with difficulty in waking. Sleep may be so deep that breathing becomes irregular or even stops momentarily. There may be talking during sleep. Constipation - constipation with no urge to pass stools for an extended length of time, which may result in fecal impaction. The digestion is sluggish and weak, and there is no appetite. Stools tend to retreat into the rectum, and are dark, small, and very hard, like black balls. During the day there may be drowsiness. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation, notably after shock. Newborn babies may be given Opium for constipation after the shock of childbirth. Shock and injury - either emotional and sensory shutdown, or overexcitement and hypersensitivity. Sluggishness and indifference may be evident, with dulled sensitivity to pain. Conversely, the person can be overwrought, possibly with insomnia or even convulsions. Either or both of these states may occur in response to shock, grief, or injury. Post-stroke paralysis - paralysis of the limbs with dullness and stupor resembling that experienced after shock. There may be blackouts, a blue-tinged face, and labored breathing. Delirium tremens - extreme apathy or hypersensitivity, tremors, or even convulsions. There can be frightening visions, and possibly blackouts after alcohol binges.

Source: Wikipedia

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