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Birth Control Methods Reviewed
The lowdown on birth control 8 of 9 | Speed
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
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Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
Brands: Paraguard, Mirena

Estimated cost: $175-500 for exam and insertion

How it works: An IUD is a small T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus, and there are two different types. The Paraguard is made of copper wrapped in plastic, and is free of hormones. The small amount of copper released into the uterus over time acts as a spermicide to prevent pregnancy. The Mirena IUD is made of plastic and releases the hormone progestin slowly over time. Both IUDs interfere with the sperm fertilizing the egg and change the uterine lining.

The lowdown: IUDs must be inserted by a professional, and can be kept in place for 5-10 years dep...View full story
8 of 9
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