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User Ratings
Out of 10
0.6  Effectiveness
6.6  Side Effects
3.8  Holistic Benefits

RateADrug users have reported 11 Tirosint side effects and 5 Tirosint benefits.

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Famous People with Multiple Sclerosis
SmallTeri Garr LRS-024662.jpg

Teri Garr

In 2002 Teri Garr announced that she had had Multiple Sclerosis for 25 years.

SmallMontel Williams SGG-046184.jpg

Montel Williams

Williams was first diagnosed with MS in 1999, although he'd been having episodes on and off for many years.

SmallTamia Hill DLL-087963.jpg

Tamia Hill

In 2003 Tamia announced that she has Multiple Sclerosis.

SmallClay Walker & wife PRN-020703.jpg

Clayton (Clay) Walker

Clay produced one country music hit after another until he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996.


Jacqueline du Pré

When du Pré was still only 28, her doctors reached the conclusion that she was suffering from MS.

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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
6.77 6.44 2.37 13 Get Info
4.86 5.08 3.34 83 Get Info
4.43 4.43 3.05 47 Get Info
4 4.58 2.48 4 Get Info
2 3.36 5.24 11 Get Info
1.05 3.58 5.45 21 Get Info
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Effectiveness of Tirosint by Condition
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Effectiveness on "Hypothyroidism"
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Reported Changes in Health and Well-Being
Since taking Tirosint, RateADrug survey participants noticed these changes in their health:
Effect on:Much WorseWorseNo ChangeBetterMuch Better
Appetite 4.3% 23.4% 46.8% 14.9% 10.6%
Balance/Equilibrium 2.1% 17% 61.7% 17% 2.1%
Blood Pressure 2.1% 2.1% 78.7% 10.6% 6.4%
Breathing 2.1% 14.9% 63.8% 12.8% 6.4%
Confidence 4.3% 8.5% 63.8% 10.6% 12.8%
Coordination/Motor Skills 2.1% 14.9% 63.8% 12.8% 6.4%
Digestion 6.4% 12.8% 63.8% 6.4% 10.6%
Emotional Well-being 4.3% 14.9% 53.2% 6.4% 21.3%
Energy 2.1% 27.7% 36.2% 14.9% 19.1%
Eyesight 2.1% 14.9% 61.7% 17% 4.3%
Memory 2.1% 10.6% 55.3% 17% 14.9%
Mental Clarity 4.3% 19.1% 44.7% 14.9% 17%
Pain 6.4% 12.8% 59.6% 12.8% 8.5%
Patience 4.3% 10.6% 48.9% 21.3% 14.9%
Sexual Health 4.3% 14.9% 66% 8.5% 6.4%
Skin Complexion 2.1% 14.9% 55.3% 14.9% 12.8%
Sleep 8.5% 14.9% 46.8% 19.1% 10.6%
Stress Level 2.1% 14.9% 48.9% 12.8% 21.3%
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Commonly Reported Tirosint Side Effects
RateADrug survey participants experienced these commonly reported side effects:
Effect on:NoneMildModerateStrongSevere
Allergic Reaction 73.8% 0% 16.7% 4.8% 4.8%
Anxiety 37.9% 31% 10.3% 10.3% 10.3%
Blurred Vision 72.4% 3.4% 6.9% 13.8% 3.4%
Breathing Difficulties 76.5% 5.9% 5.9% 5.9% 5.9%
Change in Weight 62.5% 9.4% 6.2% 9.4% 12.5%
Chills 59.4% 15.6% 12.5% 9.4% 3.1%
Cold Symptoms 65.5% 10.3% 13.8% 3.4% 6.9%
Confusion 65.5% 13.8% 6.9% 10.3% 3.4%
Coordination / Balance Problems 72.7% 18.2% 9.1% 0% 0%
Depression 58.6% 24.1% 6.9% 6.9% 3.4%
Diarrhea 75.9% 13.8% 6.9% 0% 3.4%
Dizziness 68.9% 15.6% 13.3% 2.2% 0%
Drowsiness 65% 12.5% 17.5% 5% 0%
Fatigue 44.4% 8.9% 20% 17.8% 8.9%
Fever 93.1% 3.4% 3.4% 0% 0%
Gas 69% 10.3% 13.8% 3.4% 3.4%
Headache 50% 17.6% 20.6% 11.8% 0%
Hives 90.5% 0% 2.4% 4.8% 2.4%
Insomnia 69% 17.2% 3.4% 3.4% 6.9%
Irregular Heartbeat 55.2% 24.1% 6.9% 13.8% 0%
Itching 70% 20% 0% 0% 10%
Mood Swings 55.2% 17.2% 17.2% 6.9% 3.4%
Muscle Cramping 69% 10.3% 6.9% 6.9% 6.9%
Nausea 71.4% 7.1% 9.5% 9.5% 2.4%
Sensitivity to Light 69% 20.7% 6.9% 3.4% 0%
Sexual Dysfunction 75.9% 3.4% 10.3% 10.3% 0%
Skin Rash 87.5% 6.2% 0% 6.2% 0%
Stomach Ache 69% 10.3% 6.9% 3.4% 10.3%
Swelling 70% 10% 0% 20% 0%
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Less Commonly Reported Tirosint Side Effects
RateADrug survey participants experienced less commonly reported side effects:
Effect on:NoneMildModerateStrongSevere
Abdominal Pain 60% 0% 0% 20% 20%
Change in Behavior 70% 10% 0% 10% 10%
Change in Weight 50% 30% 10% 10% 0%
Chest Pain 90% 0% 0% 10% 0%
Constipation 72.7% 18.2% 0% 9.1% 0%
Diarrhea 60% 0% 40% 0% 0%
Fever 60% 20% 0% 0% 20%
Hair Loss 70% 0% 20% 10% 0%
Headache 72.7% 0% 0% 9.1% 18.2%
Increased Appetite 70% 0% 10% 20% 0%
Insomnia 40% 20% 0% 20% 20%
Muscle / Joint Pain 50% 12.5% 6.2% 18.8% 12.5%
Muscle Fatigue 60% 0% 0% 40% 0%
Nervousness 80% 10% 0% 10% 0%
Rapid Heartbeat 60% 20% 0% 0% 20%
Reduced Libido 72.7% 0% 0% 9.1% 18.2%
Seizures 90% 0% 0% 10% 0%
Skin Inflammation 68.8% 15.6% 3.1% 6.2% 6.2%
Sweating 70% 20% 0% 10% 0%
Tingling Sensations 59.4% 3.1% 15.6% 12.5% 9.4%
Tremors 80% 0% 0% 20% 0%
Vomiting 90% 0% 0% 0% 10%
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Episodes since taking Tirosint
Since taking Tirosint Rate a Drug survey participants reported these episodes:
Seizure 0.7%
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User Comments about Tirosint
22 Jun 2018 Horrible drug and I want to go back to armour thyroid. I go about five to six days with no sleep. My breasts have grown an entire cup size in the first month.
   —Posted by Okla Girl
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06 Nov 2017 I had a complete thyroidectomy the year before because my Hashimoto thyroiditis went toxic. I was on 50 mg of Levothyroxine which immediately increased after the surgery. Although I was taking a lower dosage of this medicine for years, the increase of Levothyroxine made me very sick; and this sickness increased and grew stronger with every dose. I was suffering daily with every pill as the systems seems to be compounding daily. I complained to my doctor because continuing to take this medicine was like swallowing acid which wracked my system with pain all day.Something had to give and my Endocrinologist had no answers, reasons or solutions. In desperation, I researched the medicine, discovered Levo contained lactose and other fillers which I knew exasperated my IBS.The discovery of all the ingredients in the pills prompted an immediate call to my doctor. I also asked her to research Tirosint which she did and called in the prescription. Tirosint capsules retails for over $400.00 & required a prior authorization from my insurance company. Giving my adverse reaction to Levothyroxine, the prior authorization prescription was approved and I received a lower dosage of Tirosint. I was excited to receive and start Tirosint but I quickly developed more adverse symptoms. I started gaining weight rapidly, had rashes on my face & elbow, stomach pain, sharp headaches, hair loss, scalp itchiness, mental disconnection and low energy. I returned to my endocrinologist 3 months later, informed her of my symptoms and took some labs. The doctor called later that week and informed me that my TSH was 2.6. I was hypothyroid and for whatever reason, my body did not absorbed this medicine although I took it daily, hours before any food or drink. The doctor increased the dosage and I required another prior authorization before the insurance company would pay for this new dosage. The process took weeks and I needed my medicine immediately. Given the timeline, I asked the doctor to call the compounded pharmacy which she did while the authorization process continued. The compounded thyroxine was great as I got vegetarian capsules and only corn starch was used as fillers. I eventually got the 150 mcg Tirosint but again started having malabsorption issues taking the medicine. I gave up on Tirosint and pay for the compounded medicine myself; its worth it. I haven't had my labs yet but the symptoms are declining daily. The manufacture's claim that lower levels of Tirosint are sufficient in most patients and my doctor's belief of better absorption led to my rapid descent to Hypothyroid.Given the hefty price tag and unsubstantiated claims, my rapid deterioration while taking this medicine, I can't recommend Tirosint to anyone especially if you have absorption issues. I would recommend to everyone that they have their Thyroxine medicine compounded. Having your medicine compounded gives you greater control over the ingredients used, cheaper price tag ($50.00 vs. $400.00) and more options. I've been using my compounded medicine for almost a month and I'm starting to feel better, slowly but surely. Don't believe the Tirosint Hype or manufacturer's claims!
   —Posted by LaMorena340
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25 Oct 2015 Since taking this medication I have developed severe ringing in the ears causing some hearing loss. The muscle and joint pain has gotten worse. Will be seeing Endo to be put back on Armour.
   —Posted by Khall
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22 Oct 2015 Doctors changed me from generic Levo to Tirosint. Was fine for the first 6 weeks. At the 6 week mark began to experience pain in my foot which became severe nerve pain, numbness, and tingling in both feet over the course of a 3 weeks. The nerve pain in feet has subsided some, but at the 9-10 week mark began to feel pain when sitting or bending right knee. The pain became weakness in the right knee within a week or two and from there severe and disabling pain developed in left and right knee. 'Joint inflammation/pain/walking with a limp' was not listed as a side effect on my medication packet and was not made aware of this by my Doctor. I had a suspicion that it may be the medication because it was the only change I'd made and i have not injuries in feet or knees. I researched the drug online and discovered the full list of side effects. The pain and depression have been disabling.
   —Posted by Jial
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10 Sep 2015 I have tried levothyroxine, synthroid, armour and now tirosint. I get the same reaction with all of them. About twelve hrs after taking it, I start to feel nauseous and extremely gassy. I have hashimoto's and had a total thyroidectomy three weeks ago.
   —Posted by Angie
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